
Thinking of becoming a RunBrighton Member?

Here are some comments from a few of our members over the last couple of years…

“I completed the half in 2:43:13 really pleased as I only started the beginners autumn course on 20th October last year with you and your wonderful team.”



“Thanks to everyone involved in RunBrighton, I got my first sub-2 today. Really happy.”



“I wanted to thank you and all the ambassadors for the support and friendship this season – I definitely would not have been ready for the Half without it.”



“Thanks so much for making running so inclusive, friendly and fun.”



“I made some fabulous friends and spent many lovely Sunday mornings (yes, even the cold and rainy ones) with RunBrighton. Thank you!”



“Excellent session on running bras yesterday, with really helpful tips on washing and storing too. Great to able to try on samples and be fitted properly, so thanks for arranging.”



“I can’t thank you enough for the support and encouragement… I bloody love RunBrighton and my group and the people! I never ever thought I would run a marathon and yet here I am…. a week to go and feeling the fittest and most positive I’ve ever felt… THAT IS ALL DOWN TO YOU AND THE AMAZING COMMUNITY YOU’VE CREATED.”



“I have absolutely loved the Intro course and have definitely made progress in both my pace and distance. The combination of Matt’s classes, Ruth’s Thursday session and running in a group supported by ambassadors has been fantastic and motivating.”



“Everything about the training was second to none; I really enjoyed everything about it. I don’t think I’d have completed the half marathon 6 months pregnant in 2:49:22 without RunBrighton.”



“Thanks for all your hard work in organising, adapting to countless Covid difficulties and for getting me through what a year ago I thought was impossible!”



“I thought your introduction was excellent and the subsequent talks were pitched right. Loved the track work and Matt is always brilliant. I feel inspired today.”



“That was really good this morning Mike, as was yesterday. Really well organised.”



“I just wanted to say how much I’m enjoying RunBrighton. The ambassadors are awesome and the group I’m in are all super friendly! I’m loving the progress that I’m making and the team feel about the whole run. Thank you.”



“Really nice group of people and great tips at each session.”



“As a newbie to RunBrighton I am just so utterly impressed at all levels.  The quality of the service provided, the organisation, the expertise of those involved, and the friendliness of everyone is second to none.”



Great ambassadors making it fun to run. Riptide session with Matt was so well-focussed and enjoyable. Fantastic group to be enjoying running with! Thank you.”



“Really enjoyed it on Sunday.  Found everyone really supportive with lots of advice. The walk/run system is really good. Thanks again.”



“I wanted to let you know that joining RunBrighton is one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. At the ripe old age of nearly 50, I feel like I might actually run a marathon – and that makes me feel really good. In addition to this, I did not expect to meet so many wonderful people, I should have done it ages ago. Thank you. The club is managed brilliantly.”



“Thanks for everything on Sunday. It was my first time and I absolutely loved it; both the run and the seminar session after.”



“Just wanted to say thanks for the first session. Really enjoyed the run, and seminar was excellent. Great speakers and I learnt loads.”



“I joined up for the Winter Training with RunBrighton in December, as a complete novice, hoping to complete my first marathon at the age of 58. It was a truly fantastic experience. The camaraderie of running with people of all ages and varying levels of fitness was something special. Mike and the ambassadors provided great encouragement, fun and support, and I could not have completed my first marathon without them. An added bonus is running in some beautiful and scenic spots across Sussex. I would highly recommend joining.”



“Thank you for all your help with the marathon training. You have certainly created something special in RunBrighton.”



“I just wanted to feedback to you what a great ambassador Marcus is for RB! He’s so supportive of everyone in the group, gives out really good advice and is an all round lovely bloke to run and chat with. It was lovely running with him this morning.”



“Just a quick note to say how much I’m enjoying the Summer Training and the support given by the ambassadors – particularly the two Darrens and Steve. They’ve really helped my running kick on and been a great support each week.”



“I would just like to say a big thank you for everything you and the ambassadors have done over the past 4 months. I wouldn’t have got to this point in my training without your help. In particular I would like to thank Amanda who stayed back and ran with me on the run from Goring when I wanted to give up. Without her help I wouldn’t have made it back to the finish.”



“I utterly loved being with the RunBrighton group. You guys have been amazing and I’ve met some lovely runners too. Plus – it’s been a superb way to find new running routes :-)”



“I just wanted to pass on my thanks and appreciation to your team once more. It has been a lovely journey to take part in and has been so nice to make new friends and further bonds with running folk. I do love to run but I’m not a natural and am new to it, so I do have to work hard! The ambassadors looking after the slower groups  have been really lovely and supportive and it has been much appreciated. Please pass this on in case I don’t have a chance to.”



“Thank you so much!!! These weekly emails have kept me going and kept me focused so WELL DONE for being so brilliant! xxx”



“Mondays are not going to be the same without your cheery emails dropping into my inbox! I want to say a big thank you to you and RunBrighton, and all the ambassadors. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed training with you all and as a newby to Brighton have met a lot of new people, seen more of the countryside than I would’ve on my own, and been to some pubs I didn’t know about too. I’ve learned a lot about running a marathon that I didn’t know before, and having the RunBrighton structure has bought consistency into my training routine. So thank you, and I will definitely be signing up for more RunBrighton later in the year.”



“A really especially big thank you to you and RunBrighton for a superb training for our first marathon. I felt I could honestly trust all your expertise and advice and had a great training and a fabulous marathon experience. It was indeed a very long run, and of course I ache but I feel on top of the world! I’m looking forward to more of RunBrighton and to seeing you next weekend at the social.

With love and thanks,”

Jo & Cat


“Thanks for the journey”



“I wanted to drop you a line to say an enormous thank you for the help, support, info and guidance over the last few months that resulted in me completing my first marathon yesterday in 4h24. Although I couldn’t run with you each Sunday I have followed your training schedules and attended the 3 seminars and that paid huge dividends yesterday as I managed negative splits and I ran the last 6 miles at 9mins/ mile.  Took the ice bath and although I’m walking like a tin man today I am not in a lot of discomfort .

Such a rewarding day and experience and you were integral to the success – thank you.”



“Just to say a really big Thank You for all your help and support leading up to this marathon. I think you did an amazing job.”



“I want to thank you and all the ambassadors who gave up their free time every Sunday to help us all through the marathon. I will miss you all.

I will definitely be joining you all again this winter.”



“I wanted to thank you VERY much for all the amazing organisation and inspiration you provide for Run Brighton runners.  

I sent you an email just after completing the Brighton half and you encouraged me to do the training and run the marathon.  I’m so glad I did.  It was a great day and wouldn’t have been possible if not for the brilliant training runs you coordinate.  

Thanks a million and hope to see you next time, I’ve signed up for next year!




“Thank you most sincerely for the outstanding physical training and mental preparation that you and the “Run Brighton team” of dedicated athletes provided to us all, over the last 6 months. Without doubt, it played a major role in the success that I personally achieved  with my first ever marathon. 

I would love to participate with you all again this November. So, please could you prompt me for a fee payment at the appropriate time.

My post Brighton recovery has been amazing. I have no aches or pains now and I was back cross training and swimming this afternoon. I have been otherwise buzzing 24/7, since Sunday. 

I wish you and the team well and, I hope you have a wonderful Summer.




“I would like to just thank you and Runbrighton for all your support. Joining was definitely the best decision I made.

Kind regards”



“Thank you for all the help, support, advice and guidance you and the RunBrighton team have given me, as much as I have groaned at the sight of some of our Sunday runs I have really enjoyed my time with the group, I have made some new friends and had a blast along the way – please pass my thanks on to all the ambassadors for everything, they are a credit to RunBrighton




“Just wanted to say a BIG BIG thank you to you & all the ambassadors and especially Daz, the two Amanda’s and Michelle (and Michelle Saunders too). I couldn’t have done it without all their encouragement and kindness. I really enjoyed the day & got a PB 5:11.”



“I wanted to say a big thank you for all your advice and support throughout the training, especially during my injury. I couldn’t have got round a marathon without Run Brighton! Such a great group and programme. I’m still on a high after 26.2.”



“I would NEVER have got this far without the RunBrighton group! Ridiculously amazing value!”



“Fantastic service, it really has transformed my running experience from a solitary affair to being part of a knowledgeable friendly running community. A jewel in Brighton’s crown!”



“As one of the slower and more inexperienced runners, RunBrighton has provided me with the confidence and skills to achieve my marathon goal… I have loved the team spirit at RunBrighton, and will definitely be signing up again next year!”



“Jo and I live in Surrey and travel down every weekend for the long run. Now we are coming near to the end we wanted to thank you and all the ambassadors for such a wonderful experience.”

Christina & Jo


“Excellent informative seminars & help from experienced ambassadors have made sure I will be returning again.”



“Absolutely brilliant, we could never have got through the training without all your support and dedication week in week out. We cannot thank you enough.”



“The Ambassadors have been a constant and reassuring presence, effortlessly accommodating runners of all different ages, experience and ability.”



“The perfect way to meet 100 new friends.”



“RunBrighton provides much more than sensible, structured training for the marathon; it’s the amazing support of the runners and ambassadors that sets this group apart.”
